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Winter light part two, or how to make the best of it.

In my job as a photographer I get to be out and about a lot - but a big part of the job is also computer work. Editing photos takes hours and hours, and when the days are short like they are now, I sometimes find myself never seeing any daylight at all (I'm sure most of the Norwegian work force can recognise this). So I've decided to shift things for the better. I'll spend the mornings outside with my kids, and work in the afternoon when its dark. That way, Mr. Payne can also be free to spend the light hours working on his amazing fantastic cordwood cottage up in the forest (will post more about that). 

Today, Falk and Wolfie and I went for a walk in the woods, there's an old road that has been cleared now, so it's perfect for everyone to explore. When we came back, we all made bonfire pancakes for lunch in the garden and enjoyed the last rays of sun. It would be super appropriate with a nap now, feeling rosy cheeked and full bellied, but I guess my work is calling me... This life ain't so bad, after all.