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All the good things, and some tough ones mixed in: Lots of time to bake and make things and create that lovely Christmas atmosphere, snuggles in the sofa with Christmas stories on tv, the most beautiful winter weather one could ask for, and all the excitement and joy and wonder this time should bring. And then, the chemo therapy doesn’t wait for Christmas, so I had round number five in the middle of all this, which means lots of rest and trying to eat and feeling completely beat up. And sitting in front of the fire with a cat on my lap, and knitting, and watching endless hours of tv.

I think we made it through ok. There were more good times than rough, and now I have only one chemo left to go.

Tomorrow is the last day of this year, and to be honest, I’m more than ready to let 2018 go.

Hope you had a good one! Lots of love.