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Dear Maria,

Another tour around the Sun, another year of life and struggle and love and wisdom and fun and tears and laughter. Like the year before, this year came with waves of hardship, a lot of things happening in your life, but I think it was more colourful, more fruitful this year, wasn't it? If one can call a divorce fruitful. Yes, I think one can. 

When you wrote to yourself on your last birthday, you were on the brink of separating from your husband. Things were dark. And they went on being dark, until they became lighter, and on it went, light and dark interchanging, taking turns, like sun and moon, day and night - and all the shades of light in between.
You worked hard this year. You found new places within and new ways to open up. A new softness and with that a new fearlessness. And now, right now, I think things are pretty smooth, aren't they? 

Your birthday and spring are so connected, this is a powerful time for you, it's like everything is aligned in a way that just makes things FLOW. Finally, they flow, after all the hiccups and bumps in the road. 

That feels pretty good, doesn't it.

I think you did good this year, woman. 
You are loved! Happy birthday!